Kotlin Tutorial

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2017-05-18 Kotlin on Android. Now official 2017-05-18 Kotlin and Android

Kotlin is expressive, concise, extensible, powerful, and a joy to read and write. Best of all, it's interoperable with our existing Android languages and runtime. 它强大而简洁,兼容现有的开发语言和 runtime

Kotlin works side by side with Java and C++ on Android. So you can keep your existing code, continue to use the various Android libraries, and incrementally add Kotlin code to your project. Kotlin is a drop-in replacement you can use bi-directionally. 可以在项目中同时使用 Kotlin 和 Java 进行开发,因为可以互相调用。

IDE support: Starting with Android Studio 3.0, tooling support for Kotlin is bundled directly into Android Studio. Kotlin 的工具包会内置到 AS3.0